RIEDEL Immobilien is one of the leading specialists for luxury properties in Munich. Solid value growth can still be expected for villas, houses and apartments in upscale and premium locations in Munich. Against this background, luxury properties in Munich are also particularly interesting.
The range of luxury properties in Munich extends from the prestigious penthouse apartment to the spacious estate on a park-like garden plot. Location preferences are also comprehensively catered for here: whether it's a trendy district in Munich's old town, a villa colony or living near a castle, the Isar or a park - with districts such as Schwabing, Maxvorstadt, Lehel, Gern, Nymphenburg, Bogenhausen, Solln or Harlaching, Munich offers discerning prospective buyers of luxury properties, villas and stately roof terrace apartments an impressive variety.
The decision for a luxury property in a sought-after Munich location also makes sense from an economic point of view. Both in an international comparison and taking into account location qualities and future developments, a luxury property in Munich is a sustainable investment with reliable value growth - be it the stylish villa, the spacious house or the luxurious apartment in an old building with flair. A steadily increasing demand, increasingly from all over the world, further increases the chances of appreciation.
The acquisition of a luxury property in Munich requires expert guidance and belongs in the hands of a specialist real estate agent.
RIEDEL Immobilien has been one of the leading providers of high-quality real estate and luxury properties in sought-after Munich locations for almost 40 years. On request, we can provide you with selected offers in the luxury segment, according to your wishes and ideas. We are also happy to accompany the sale of your Munich luxury property and carry out an expert property valuation. Our real estate agents are at your disposal at any time. At our headquarters in the Munich villa colony Nymphenburg-Gern, in our offices in Schwabing, Bogenhausen and Gräfelfing or at an on-site appointment at your luxury property directly in Munich, we are happy to be there for you.