Haus mit Grundstück in München

Current standard land values in Munich

The standard land values indicate the average price per square metre of the land area taking into account the location. These standard values apply to individual areas, streets or street sections with similar development and similar value ratios. Our research on the evaluation method used by the Munich Expert Committee have shown that for the determination of the current standard land values in the city, only undeveloped plots of land and plots of land with demolished demolished old properties have been taken into account.

The standard land values published every two years by the Munich Expert Committee are one of the possible bases for assessing land prices. The standard land values as at the reporting date of 31 December 2018 were published in mid-2019. They are based on actual transactions that took place in 2017 and 2018. The next publication will take place in mid-2021 for the reporting date 31.12.2020.

Standard land value map for sought-after locations in Munich

Land values Munich

How high are the standard land values in Munich?
RIEDEL Immobilien's market research continuously monitors land prices in the districts of Munich under review. developed plots of land are also evaluated. RIEDEL has calculated average prices for the areas shown in the map on the basis of known transactions. transactions. The values were standardised on the basis of the number of storeys which are considered typical for individual housing construction (e.g. one-family (e.g. single-family houses, semi-detached houses) in the respective area of Munich. have been declared. Not taken into account were plots of land for apartment construction were not taken into account, as other market laws apply here.

  • Bogenhausen: 7,600€/m²
  • Nymphenburg, Gern: 6,200€/m²
  • Schwabing: 5.600€/m²
  • Harlaching: 3.600€/m²
  • Solln: 3.600€/m²
  • Obermenzing: 3.300€/m²
  • Hadern: 3.250€/m²
  • Sendling: 3.200€/m²
  • Laim: 3.100€/m²
  • Pasing: 3.100€/m²
  • Trudering: 2.750€/m²
  • Moosach: 2.400€/m²

In general it can be that compared to summer 2019, there have been moderate price increases in the city in the single-digit percentage range. single-digit percentage range. A direct "Corona influence" on the price level of the standard of the standard land values could not be determined, only the number of transactions temporarily decreased in the spring of 2020.

How is the standard land value calculated?
The legal basis for the valuation is the Building Code (BauGB). The Munich Valuation Committee is responsible for this. An average is determined from the addition of the land purchase prices in €/m²and recorded in standard land value tables or standard land value maps for the corresponding standard land value zones.

The guideline value serves as the basis for determining the land value. The land value of a property is calculated according to the following formula: Land value = standard land value x area in m². The standard land value is in fact only a reference value, as its determination is based not only on actual, previous sales prices, but also on estimates.

Standard land value Land with old buildings

What is the difference between standard land value and market value?
The standard land value only refers to the existing land, which is calculated per square metre. The sum of the actual building value and the standard land value then gives the approximate market value.

Development of land prices in Herzogpark

There are almost exclusively very good residential locations in Alt-Bogenhausen and Herzogpark. The low availability of properties makes theAlt-Bogenhausen-Herzogpark sub-area one of the most expensive residential locationsinMunich, withcurrent land pricesin prime locations of around 9,500 per square metre with a floor area ratio of 0.7. The rates of increase were rates of increase were consistently in the double digits. From 2012 to 2018, the by a total of +60%. In 2020, a further a further increase of approx. 14% was observed.

Property values Bogenhausen

The figures given are average values and canvary greatly upwards or downwards due to individual circumstances such as buildability, noise emissions, plot layout, currentbuilding development,neighbouring buildings, listed buildings, etc.

Development of land prices in the Nymphenburg villa colony

Standard ground value Nymphenburg house

It doesn't always have to be a historic townhouse, an impressive architect's villa or a hugeapartment building. No, even a "normal" or aging house hasenormous values and possibilities due to its pure property value in the special location of Nymphenburg.

The villa colony Nymphenburg is one of the most sought-after residential areas in Munich. Stately residences, listed villas and quietavenues create a veryspecial flair. The currentproperty pricesin this quarter range between range from 5,000 to 7,500 €/m² with a GFZ of 0.7. The rates of increase were rates of increase were consistently in the double digits. In the period from 2012 to 2018 land values in the historic villa colony rose by a total of +79%. In 2020, a further a further increase of approx. 25% was observed.

Property values Nymphenburg

The figures given are average values and canvary greatly upwards or downwards due to individual circumstances such as buildability, noise emissions, plot layout, currentbuilding development,neighbouring buildings, listed buildings, etc.

We know the true value of your property

For almost 40 years we have been valuing houses, flats, land and investment and rental properties on the basis of profound market knowledge. and rental properties. RIEDEL stands expert advisor for all questions regarding the valuation of a property and property valuation and accompanies you during the value determination through to the development of an exploitation strategy - whether you are a private individual, a tax consultant or a company.

Our valuations are based on many years of experience in the application of the valuation methods approved in accordance with §194 BauGB valuation methods (tangible asset value, capitalized earnings value and comparative method). Our certified experts also undertake also undertake the competent assessment of special entries in the land register, e.g. of easements easements such as rights of way or usufruct. Whether you own a plot of land, a detached house, a villa, a condominium or an a condominium or an investment property RIEDEL Immobilien is your competent partner for real estate appraisals. real estate appraisal is in competent competent hands.

How much is your property worth?

Together with our certified experts, we will be happy to determine the current market value of your property, free of charge and without obligation, of course. Get in touch with us, we look forward to hearing from you!

Markus Riedel
Markus Riedel
Managing Partner

Successfully brokered properties in Munich

Current real estate in Munich

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