Ralf Heidemann elected to the board of IVD Süd e.V.

At the South German Real Estate Day of the IVD Süd e.V., on 17 May 2019 in Ulm, Ralf Heidemann was unanimously elected to the board. The IVD Süd is the largest regional association of the IVD e.V., the federal association of real estate consultants, brokers, administrators and experts.

Ralf Heidemann has been with RIEDEL since 1995 and is a partner and authorised signatory of the family business. He has been a member of the Residential Property Committee since 2004 and has been a speaker at numerous IVD Institute events. As a business graduate and certified expert (DIA), he continues to be active as a lecturer at the Munich Chamber of Industry and Commerce for prospective experts and real estate agents. With his work on the IVD board, Ralf Heidemann would like to advocate in particular for a stronger expertise in the professional profile of the real estate agent and also proactively represent this goal in public as well as in politics.

Ralf Heidemann
Ralf Heidemann
Authorized signatory and shareholder
Dipl.-Kaufmann / Dipl.-Sachverständiger (DIA) / Member of the Board IVD Süd e.V.
IVD South e.V.
IVD Board of Directors - Ralf Heidemann
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